It is October 3rd by now, and we celebrated our four-month anniversary as owners of Palmer House Inn three days ago. The Cape is a little quieter than it was back in the Summer, and although we do not have leaves turning yet there is a tangible sense that we’ve moved into a different season. We are looking back with gratitude to the many people who have helped us get to this point. Aside from the bankers who helped us buy Palmer House Inn, and the contractors who have worked so diligently and incredibly hard to improve and beautify the property, we owe a big thank you to you, our guests for bearing with us during times of sometimes intense construction. In previous posts we have detailed some of the things that have been accomplished, and a number of long-term guests who have been here recently have remarked on the changes and told us they approve.
Over the next months there will be continued work happening at the inn, and by the start of next year’s Summer Season we hope to have the bulk of the heavy stuff behind us. In the meantime, we will reach out to you every so often to let you know of event weekends being planned for the fall and winter season. This coming Friday is the Beer-b-que at the Museums on the Green two doors down from us, and on October 20th is Falmouth’s annual Jazz Stroll — both events being sponsored by Palmer House Inn. If you want to do something a little different, come on down. We’ll find room to put you up and you can join us for the fun!